Blockless <> NiftyConnect: Official Strategic Partnership

2 min readNov 29, 2022


Blockless is joining NiftyConnect as a strategic partner to support decentralized and dynamic web hosting of NiftyConnect's frontend. On the other hand, NiftyConnect will facilitate the product adoption of Blockless in the NFT sector.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with NiftyConnect!

NiftyConnect is the first decentralized NFT trading protocol designed to solve the industry-wide problem of insufficient liquidity in the NFT market. On the other hand, as a developer platform, Blockless has the services to help build decentralized applications with flexibility, scalability, and reliability.

As both teams are striving to create a more usable Web3, we have decided to reach a strategic partnership. In particular, we have agreed to participate in future go-to-market collaborations. The aspects of collaboration include:

  1. Blockless to support decentralized and dynamic web hosting of NiftyConnect’s frontend.
  2. NiftyConnect to facilitate the brand awareness and product adoption of Blockless in the NFT sector.
  3. The teams will closely collaborate on marketing and community initiatives, thereby, exploring growth opportunities.

About NiftyConnect

NiftyConnect is the leading decentralized NFT trading protocol that applications can adopt, plug into, jointly build, and share the order flow data on-chain. Any application with an NFT trading marketplace can use the protocol, including NFT marketplaces, aggregators, wallets, social apps, data platforms, and more. Partners share order flows with NiftyConnect and other partners — contribute liquidity to the ecosystem, and benefit from the liquidity of the whole ecosystem.

It will effectively benefit the entire NFT ecosystem by improving the matching efficiency of NFT trading, essentially solving the industry-wide problem of insufficient liquidity of NFT assets, and also slowly diminishing the dominance of centralized order systems.

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About Blockless

Blockless is a WASM-based, customizable execution layer that powers decentralized serverless applications.

As a permissionless network, Blockless allows network participants to contribute with a variety of hardware resources, ranging from Android devices to high-performance servers. Developers can build on Blockless with unparalleled scale, reliability, and security.

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