Blockless Progress Update — February 2023

4 min readMar 7, 2023


Learn more about how Blockless’ suite of tools makes your dApp building easier than ever.

Blockless Monthly Progress Update

Blockless is a zk verifiable execution platform that makes dApp building easier than ever. We provide the necessary tools for smart contract engineers to build dApps that are faster, better, and more performant. You can find more about Blockless via our Website, Twitter, and blog posts!

Here is a summary of what we achieved in February:

  • Blockless protocol has been refactored and is now open source
  • Worker matchmaking algorithm undergoing performance test
  • The IPFS CAR file storage format has been implemented
  • Blockless Blog released, new Documentation page on the way
  • Trustless Trigger product will launch in March 2023
  • Liam spoke at ETH Denver on decentralized computing

Blockless Service Engineering


  • Updated header and breadcrumb design for a better navigation experience
  • Added new function metrics for better logging and function statistics
  • Implemented other assorted improvements, including better date display, sorting, and search experience.
A screenshot of the Blockless Dashboard in the deployment process


  • Blockless Trigger backend is completed, featuring Cron, WebHook, and Keeper triggers to automate your on-chain and off-chain workflow.
A peek at the most recent Blockless Trigger interface


  • The Blockless Blog has been released, and you can now check all of our updates and good news here : )
Blockless Blog is now live
  • The new Support (Documentation) site is released.
The new Blockless Support and Documentation page

Blockless Protocol Engineering


The networking-related repos have been refactored and open-sourced. In the process, we’ve mainly improved the efficiency of the Blockless networking layer and its documentation.

A screenshot of the current Blockless protocol repo


The matchmaking algorithms are being implemented for performance testing. More detail will be released soon, below is an illustrated overview explaining how orchestration works in Blockless.

Overview of orchestration in Blockless


Runtime logging and error handling are redesigned for a better debugging experience.

We are implementing the IPFS CAR (Content-addressed-ARchive) storage format for better efficiency, security, and decentralization. See Derek’s article here to learn more!

Business Development and Ecosystem

Zero2Hero Hackathon

Blockless is thrilled to partner with the @BNBCHAIN team to offer a decentralized compute layer on top of Greenfield in #Zero2Hero Builder Series. You will be able to use Blockless to easily create off-chain modules such as triggers, oracle, web hosting, and more on Greenfield. Blockless will also offer a bounty for all hackathon participants.

ETH Denver

The team was speaking at ETH Denver to promote awareness around how decentralized computing and zkWASM are making a difference in Web3.

Liam, Head of Product at Blockless, speaking at ETH Denver

The team also attended the Climate Summit at ETH Denver to connect with teams working on ReFi. Blockless aims to leverage our zk-verifiable executions to empower customized oracles for ReFi applications.

Twitter Space

We’ve conducted a Web3 infrastructure-related Twitter space with industry leaders including EthStorage, Manta Network, thirdweb, and Chainbase.


As our products evolve, so does our company’s headcount. We plan on hiring for several roles and expanding the Blockless ecosystem at a much faster rate.

We are also hiring for several key positions:

  • Mathematician
  • Distributed Systems Engineer (Go, Rust)
  • Product Designer

To become a part of our team, find more details here.

Want to get the latest updates on our roadmap? Have other ideas for Blockless? We want you to be a part of the community and would love to collaborate!

About Blockless

Blockless is a zk verifiable execution platform that makes dApp building easier than ever. Join our social channels to learn more!

Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Blog | Medium | Mirror | Linkedin

