Make dApp building easier than ever — Blockless January 2023

4 min readFeb 1, 2023


Learn more about how Blockless’ suite of tools makes your dApp building easier than ever.

Blockless Monthly Progress Update

Blockless is a distributed and verifiable execution platform that makes your dApp building easier than ever. We provide the necessary tools for smart contract engineers to build dApps that are faster, better, and more performant. You can find more about Blockless via our Website, Twitter, and blog posts!

Before we dive into the many steady steps we’ve recently made to make your life better as a Web3 developer, here is a summary on what we did during first month of 2023:

  1. We are pushing out Blockless Trigger in the next month. It is a smart contract automation tool that allows dApp developers to intuitively make on-chain logic react to real-world events. When combined with Blockless Data, a Web2 & Web3 data service API suite that will come in Q2 2023, Blockless Trigger aims to offer the best one-stop user experience in automating smart contracts. Imagine having all the data at your fingertips so you can create the perfect automation logic in under 5 minutes. No more running around finding or even creating data feeds. Blockless will make your smart contracts smarter than ever.
  2. We are preparing to publish a Whitepaper for Blockless ZK, as well as new versions of the protocol Whitepaper and our developer documentation. They will offer you a high level understanding of the platforms, as well as step-by-step guidelines to help you build quicker and stronger in this crypto winter.
  3. We are pushing hard to release a demo of Blockless ZK by end of Feburary. This is a teaser to offer some real-world example of how the Blockless protocol, combining zkWASM, will unleash a new generation of adoption-ready yet fully verifiable Web3 applications.
  4. We’ve released a better UI for Blockless Dashboard (GUI) . Join the the waitlist here to try it out.
  5. We’ve made numerous improvements to the user experience, security, and performance of the Blockless Protocol. You can find more in sections below.

Blockless Service Engineering

Blockless Trigger:

  • The logic has been fully developed and integrated with the Blockless protocol for compute.
  • A low-code UI is currently underway to make the most intuitive user experience.
  • We aim to push out Trigger for initial testing in the following weeks.

Blockless Data:

  • We are currently discussing deals with multiple data service API providers and will announce separately to share details.

Blockless Protocol Engineering


  • Modified redirect query parameter to match the updated dashboard format.
Blockless Command Line Interface


  • Added a call helper method for our WASM extension system to make it easier for developers to work with the API.
  • Added HTTP framework support to enhance the capabilities of the SDK.


The new Blockless Dashboard UI
  • Implemented new Dashboard UI focusing on a cleaner and more user-friendly experience.
  • Optimized deployment git action redirect link to improve the functionality of the application.
  • Implemented a new forking flow to streamline the process of creating new projects.
  • Added Function Setting Page to provide a central location for managing the various settings and configuration options.
  • Optimized authentication flow to remove unnecessary steps and improve security.


  • Added logging to file from WASM archive to provide a more comprehensive record of activity within the runtime.
  • Upgraded core libraries for security notices to stay ahead of any potential security threats.


  • Increased the resiliency of the deployment to ensure that the system is robust and can handle increased traffic and load.
  • Widened the peer pool to improve the overall performance of the networking stack.
  • Increased testing coverage to ensure that the networking stack is thoroughly tested and functioning as intended.


  • The first release of Blockless ZK is currently underway. We aim to introduce a demo by end of Q1 2023.

Business Development and Ecosystem

Improving our communication and documentation:

  • We are currently working on a whitepaper for Blockless ZK, our zkWASM Prover-as-a-Service module. We aim to release this paper by end of February.
  • With the addition of service products as well as improvements on the Blockless protocol, we will release a new version of the documentation by the end of Q1 2023.
  • As our vision grows into reality, we will release an updated whitepaper for the Blockless protocol in Feburary 2023 as well.
  • We hosted a Twitter Space session on Web3 Communities with the Co-founders of Blocksee. More than 300 people tuned in.


As our products evolve, so does our company’s headcount. We plan on hiring for several roles and expanding the Blockless ecosystem at a much faster rate.

We are also hiring for several key positions:

  • Developer Relations Manager
  • Distributed Systems Engineer (Go, Rust)
  • Product Designer

To become a part of our team, find more details here.

Want to get the latest updates on our roadmap? Have other ideas for Blockless? We want you to be a part of the community and would love to collaborate!

About Blockless

Blockless is a distributed and verifiable execution platform that makes dApp building easier than ever. Join our social channels to learn more!

Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Medium | Mirror | Linkedin

