Blockless Progress Update — July 2022

4 min readJul 30, 2022


July has been a big month for Blockless, come to see what we’ve achieved!

Blockless launched in November 2021 as the first customizable execution layer for Web3, providing dynamic decentralized node networks for developers.

Since then, we have made giant strides toward developing products.

In March 2022, we received support from angel investors ranging from general partners at crypto VCs to former C-level executives at Binance.

In case you missed our update for June 2022, please click here.

Now let’s discuss our accomplishments in July 2022. This is a big month for Blockless.

Blockless Developer Console:

July marks one leap forward towards network usability. Via the Console, developers can use its integrated UI to deploy functions, monitor function status, and manage accounts.

The team has completed the user experience workflow and UI design and is currently approaching the end of the development cycle. Here is a sneak peek!

Product Integrations:

  1. This month, the development team has Integrated the Blockless networking module with our WASM-based runtime environment. Prior to this update, the networking layer would need to download binaries pre-built for the environment the node was running within. But now we can demonstrate the same code executing in Windows, Linux, and Mac (x86 fully supported).
  2. Blockless is now part of the Cosmos ecosystem! The engineering team has been working hard to create the best possible user experience; as a result, the team has decided to incorporate a Cosmos chain for task orchestration.

New Network Topology:

Following the addition of a Cosmos-based orchestration chain, Blockless now has 3 types of nodes:


1. Orchestrator Node: Nodes that receive and bookkeep incoming requests from applications deployed on Blockless and distribute tasks to Coordinator Nodes.


2. Coordinator Node: Nodes that receive tasks from Orchestrator nodes and manage small groups of worker nodes. These nodes are required to be constantly online.

3. Worker Node: Nodes that contribute resources to the network and execute tasks. Worker Nodes are designed to be able to go on & off line at will, allowing personal devices to join the network and contribute conveniently.

Blockless Website 2.0: Our web development team continues to improve the Blockless website, making it concise yet functional. Have a look here:

Blockless on Twitter:

We hosted two Twitter spaces in July.

July 25th: Evolution of Social Contracts in Web3Play Recording

July 28th: Building Blocks in BlockchainPlay Recording

We will host a Twitter space every week from now on. Aside from collaborating with other BUIDLers to talk crypto, the team decided to make its biweekly webinar public. This will be a knowledge-sharing session by all Core Contributors at Blockless, stay tuned!

The team has been making friends with the likes of Celestia to continue pushing a modular future.


The team has been strategizing and constructing Blockless Academy — A place where you will learn the basics of Web3 and what Blockless has to offer.

Partnership & Ecosystem Initiatives:

As Blockless continues to roll out products, we are also onboarding 10+ initial partners that will integrate with the Blockless network.

This week, we have just announced partnership with KNN3 Network, who will be using Blockless to assemble a customized decentralized node network for running its Verifiable Dynamic Credential Service (VDCS). For more detail, see here.

Meanwhile, recently we have been running a node for Aptos, which will allow Blockless to better support Aptos-based projects.


As our products evolve so does our company’s headcount. We have made some key hires that will help us in expanding the Blockless ecosystem at a much faster rate.

Here are our hires for July:

  • Hassan Shafiq — Content Strategist
  • Abhijit Oothaman — Community Lead
  • Chidera Johnson — Software Engineer
  • Chenxi Du — Product Intern

We are also hiring for several key positions:

  • Applied Research Mathematician
  • Product Designer
  • Site Reliability Engineer
  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Distributed Systems Engineer
  • Runtime Systems Engineer
  • Developer Relations Manager

To become a part of our team, see here.

For August, we’re focusing on building and perfecting our product. We are excited to build a decentralized Web3 ecosystem with you.

Want to get the latest updates on our roadmap? Have other ideas for Blockless? We want you to be a part of the community and would love to collaborate!

Blockless is the first customizable execution layer for Web3, providing dynamic decentralized node networks for developers.

Join us here: Website, Twitter, Telegram, Discord.

